Glen Innes High School
Public School
Years 7 to 12
02 6732 1322
Glen Innes High School is a comprehensive, co-educational high school providing educational opportunities for students (Years 7 to 12) in a diverse rural setting.
Glen Innes is situated in the Northern Tablelands of NSW, 100km from Armidale. The school provides high quality learning opportunities delivered by highly trained, experienced teachers.
Our students excel in a broad curriculum including most academic subjects, sport, music, drama, visual arts, photography, agriculture and a full range of vocational education and training subjects. The school has been recognised as an excellent rural school in student achievement in the Higher School Certificate, School Certificate and National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy.
The school has forged strong links with the local community through a strong Parents and Citizens, School Council, numerous student traineeships, student apprenticeships and vocational education work placements as well as informal partnerships. The school operates an intensive student welfare policy ensuring student well-being.
Student governance is exercised through a strong SRC. The local community is very proud of the achievements of the school.