Kootingal Public School
Public School
Years K to 6
telephone02 6760 3332
Denman Avenue
Kootingal NSW 2352
Kootingal Public School is a community school, where in partnership our focus is on Caring and Learning Together. A recent survey of our parent community clearly indicated that our parents feel welcome in the school. They also feel the school is a safe and happy place where teachers provide stimulating and challenging environments for their children. Parents acknowledged that the school's main focus is on students and that they are pleased that their child attends this school.
Our students indicated through a student survey that the vast majority of them enjoy coming to school each day and that school is a place they like to be. The children said that their teachers care about them and are fair to them and that other students accept them as they are. The children indicated that they feel proud to be students at Kootingal Public School and that learning is fun.