Education in the Gwydir Shire

Education is where the Gwydir Shire really shines. As well as various primary schools across Bingara, Warialda and the outlying villages, the Gwydir Shire has established the Gwydir Learning Region to promote the importance of lifelong learning. The Gwydir Learning Region is a cooperative venture involving the Gwydir Shire Council, the New England Institute of TAFE, Bingara Central School, Warialda High School, Adult Learning and the University of New England.

Tertiary Educaiton in the Gwydir Shire

Community College Northern Inland - Bingara Education
Tertiary Education
02 6724 1965
6 Riddell Street
Bingara NSW 2404
Area:  Gwydir Shire

As an approved community-based vocational education and training (VET) provider, our college is assisted in reaching students in regional and remote communities that experience barriers to training and employment through the NSW Government’s ACE Program and Smart and Skilled funding. We have a track record delivering our training under these programs in a way we think makes us special.

Some of the subsidised and supported programs we deliver are:

  • Training for eligible business people and farmers affected by issues such as pandemic and drought.
  • Foundation skills training.
  • Programs and support services that help equip people with the language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills required by businesses.
  • Training in information technology, business services or foundation skills under the Tech Savvy for Small Business (TSB) program.
  • Access to the free Be Connected program for people over 50 who need help to get online and connect using technology.
  • Support for eligible students who experience significant barriers to education and employment.
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Community College Northern Inland - Warialda Education
Tertiary Education
02 6729 1487
47 Hope Street
Warialda NSW 2402
Area:  Gwydir Shire

As an approved community-based vocational education and training (VET) provider, our college is assisted in reaching students in regional and remote communities that experience barriers to training and employment through the NSW Government’s ACE Program and Smart and Skilled funding. We have a track record delivering our training under these programs in a way we think makes us special.

Some of the subsidised and supported programs we deliver are:

  • Training for eligible business people and farmers affected by issues such as pandemic and drought.
  • Foundation skills training.
  • Programs and support services that help equip people with the language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills required by businesses.
  • Training in information technology, business services or foundation skills under the Tech Savvy for Small Business (TSB) program.
  • Access to the free Be Connected program for people over 50 who need help to get online and connect using technology.
  • Support for eligible students who experience significant barriers to education and employment.
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Schools in the Gwydir Shire

Bingara Central School Schools
Public School
Years K to 12
02 6724 1606
55 Finch Street
Bingara NSW 2404
Area:  Gwydir Shire

We take pride in delivering an outstanding education in a supportive learning environment. We have a strong commitment to improving the educational outcomes for all students. A team of dedicated staff assist students to reach their full potential.

Bingara Central School has a proud tradition of providing quality education for the children of our community.

The school caters for and supports the individual learning needs of students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

The school has a strong focus on middle schooling and on strategies to deliver an extensive Stage 6 curriculum, to ensure that all students have the opportunity to reach their potential.

One of the key strengths of the curriculum at Bingara Central School is our vocational courses. All students can choose from a wide range of programs that are relevant to them and to their career aspirations.

We are proud of the excellence and commitment of our staff, who ensure that the needs of each student are catered for on an individual basis.

We also receive excellent support from parents, community members and local businesses, enabling strong and effective partnerships for the benefit of our students.

Our school is part of the Gwydir Learning Region, a strong partnership between educators and community organisations which aims to provide a quality future for our young people while assisting in the long-term sustainability of our community.

Every student is valued at Bingara Central School.

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Boggabri Public School Schools
Public School
Years K to 6
02 6743 4526
Merton Street
Boggabri NSW 2382
Area:  Gwydir Shire

At Boggabri Public School every child is valued. Students learn in a stimulating and challenging environment and are encouraged to reach their full potential. Highly dedicated and talented teachers inspire a love of learning and provide quality teaching and learning programs that cater for all students. 

Strong programs in literacy and numeracy provide enrichment and support for all students with alternative pathways in reading and maths groups to foster individual abilities and interests. Students love to participate in sporting teams competing against other primary schools in rugby league, netball, soccer and touch football. Being part of these sporting teams has continued to foster good sportsmanship and a deeper understanding of the value of working together to achieve success. 
The school is an attractive well-resourced school in beautiful grounds with state-of-the-art technology including electronic whiteboards in every classroom, laptops, a computer lab and video conferencing facilities. Enthusiastic parents and community members assist the school to provide new resources and extra-curricular activities. 

Our approachable and highly competent office and support staff work well beyond their roles to ensure the administration of the school runs smoothly and effectively. 

The values of tolerance, respect and fair play are embedded in all that we do. 

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Croppa Creek Public School Schools
Public School
Years K to 6
02 6754 5215
Apsley Crescent
Croppa Creek NSW 2411
Area:  Gwydir Shire

Croppa Creek Public School is a small, rural, isolated school of 14 students, situated 65 km north east of Moree.

Our vision for our students is that they will acquire skills, values and behaviours that equip them to develop into people of high integrity, honour, and self esteem.

We aim to implement balanced, enjoyable, teaching-learning programs that develop strong foundations in literacy and numeracy, stimulate high creativity, and promote physical coordination and teamwork.

Our goal is that the students of Croppa Creek Public School acquire successful work, recreational and adaptation skills necessary for the rapidly changing world in which we live.

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Gravesend Public School Schools
Public School
Years K to 6
02 6729 7159
Gwydir St
Gravesend NSW 2401
Area:  Gwydir Shire

Gravesend Public School provides a rich and caring environment, with stimulating active learning for all our students. It is characterised by its family atmosphere and excellent resources. The school emphasises meeting the needs of individual students. Is a significant resource in the community, valued and supported by community members.

Gravesend  Public School is a small rural school, which remains a central part of the local community. It is situated on the Gwydir Highway between Warialda and Moree.

The school has an active Parent's and Citizen's Association and a supportive community.

The school has three classrooms, the K-2 room, the Years 3-6 room, and a well resourced library.

The school caters for the individual needs of the students, through quality teaching and learning programs developed by the teachers, supported by the Support Teacher Learning Assistance.

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North Star Public School Schools
Public School
Years K to 6
07 4676 3128
Edward Street
North Star 2408
Area:  Gwydir Shire

North Star is known as the 'heart of the Golden Triangle', a prime wheat-growing area in north-west NSW. Our school is caring and supportive, providing an enjoyable, stimulating and challenging environment. We continually strive to ensure that our students receive a high quality education.

Students are encouraged to care about their schoolwork and each other, and to strive to reach their potential. Our teachers aim to give students the best possible opportunities in academic, cultural, sporting and social areas. We aim, in particular, to have our Year 6 students very well prepared for their transition to Year 7. The school and community are proud of the students' outstanding results in the international academic competitions for schools.

Our sporting achievements in swimming and athletics at a local and state level are exceptional for a small school. Our students participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge, Sporting Challenge and Spelling Bee as well as the Multicultural Public Speaking and Debating competitions. We are involved in the local ANZAC Day march and service, CWA International Day and support a Foster Child in Indonesia. We aim 'To be the best we can be'.

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Toomelah Public School Schools
Public School
Years K to 6
02 6754 9209
26 Centre Street
Pallamallawa NSW 2399
Area:  Gwydir Shire

Pallamallawa Public School is caring and supportive and provides an enjoyable, nurturing and challenging learning environment. The school strives to develop students' physical and social abilities and is committed to improving student literacy, numeracy and technology skills.

Our school has a commitment to equity and excellence. Every member of our school community is valued. Students are encouraged to participate in all areas of school life and develop a broader perspective for their future lives. Pallamallawa Public School provides children with the opportunity to reach their full potential.

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Warialda Public School Schools
Public School
Years K to 6
02 6729 1131
27-35 Hope Street
Warialda NSW 2402
Area:  Gwydir Shire

Warialda Public School was established in 1851, making it amongst the oldest in the state. The school services the township of Warialda and the surrounding rural areas in the Gwydir Shire. Its student population is 177, with more than half of the students travelling to school by bus. The school is well resourced with a spacious, well-grassed and well maintained playground in an attractive setting. It is staffed by a mixture of beginning and experienced teachers and support staff. There is a strong emphasis placed on literacy, numeracy and the integration of technology and higher order thinking skills. Warialda Public School offers a wide range of student based programs that promote quality education. 

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Early Childhood Education, Preschools and Childcare in the Gwydir Shire

Bingara Preschool Childcare

Monday to Thursday 8 am to 3:30 pm

02 6724 1105
98 Maitland Street
Bingara NSW 2404
Area:  Gwydir Shire

Bingara Preschool has a strong sense of community and supports the need for early childhood education. It provides highly qualified staff, more than is required by National Quality Standards, to ensure that your child receives the attention they deserve to instil a lifelong love of learning. Bingara Preschool has an open door policy for parents to participate in the preschool, as it recognises that an important component of quality early childhood education is a successful partnership between families and staff.

The Bingara Preschool program is both spontaneous and intentional and whilst it reflects children’s voices, it also maintains a balance between freedom and structure.  Educators offer real life experiences, including: gardening, cooking, woodwork, music, art & drama.  Children learn as they play, so they enjoy it.

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Warialda Preschool Childcare

Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm

02 6729 1081
39 Queen Street
Warialda NSW 2402
Area:  Gwydir Shire
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Would you like to know more about the Gwydir Shire?


You can find out more on the Gwydir Shire Council website or contact them for further information on 02 6724 2000, or by email at

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An Initiative Of Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland Proudly Supported By New England Joint Organisation