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Macintyre High School

Public School
Years 7 to 12
02 6722 1555

Macintyre High School's aim is to provide the best education possible for every student in our care.

We believe that "Macintyre kids can do anything" and this belief is supported by the many successes our students experience in a broad range of endeavours. Macintyre students take pride in being responsible, respectful learners who participate fully in all aspects of school life.

Our school community is involved in the Positive Behaviour for Learning programme.

The school has excellent facilities with interactive whiteboards integral to our classrooms.

Our campus is covered by an extensive computer wireless network and there are also three dedicated computer laboratories. The library/learning centre also has extensive computer facilities.

Banks of laptops are distributed throughout the school and are regularly accessed for student learning. We have modern science and visual arts facilities, and industry standard hospitality, metals & engineering and primary industries facilities.

We are the lead school in the Sapphire Community Trade Training Centre. The school has a photography laboratory, drama studio, two sporting ovals, a gymnasium, and weights room as well as outdoor basketball and netball courts.

The school has recently added a special education unit housing three support classes.

Our school enjoys a fine reputation in the local community.

We are recognised for the academic and leadership achievements of our students, the commitment of our staff, and our diverse curriculum. Students regularly achieve outstanding results in a variety of academic competitions, as well as presenting outstanding performances in music, drama, film and public speaking.

Students of the creative and performing arts are consistently selected to attend special schools and camps for talent development in visual arts, music, dance and drama. Our school has been recognised for "Excellence in the Arts" in the regional education awards.

Through involvement in our Student Representative Council, students experience leadership opportunities at district, regional or state level. Our students also produce an award winning annual school newspaper.

Special programs operate for intensive learning support in years 7-10. The school operates extensive Vocational Education and Training programs in conjunction with TAFE and local industry partners.

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An Initiative Of Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland Proudly Supported By New England Joint Organisation