Gravesend Public School
Public School
Years K to 6
02 6729 7159
Gwydir St
Gravesend NSW 2401
Gravesend Public School provides a rich and caring environment, with stimulating active learning for all our students. It is characterised by its family atmosphere and excellent resources. The school emphasises meeting the needs of individual students. Is a significant resource in the community, valued and supported by community members.
Gravesend Public School is a small rural school, which remains a central part of the local community. It is situated on the Gwydir Highway between Warialda and Moree.
The school has an active Parent's and Citizen's Association and a supportive community.
The school has three classrooms, the K-2 room, the Years 3-6 room, and a well resourced library.
The school caters for the individual needs of the students, through quality teaching and learning programs developed by the teachers, supported by the Support Teacher Learning Assistance.