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Boggabri Public School

Public School
Years K to 6
02 6743 4526
Merton Street
Boggabri NSW 2382
Area:  Gwydir Shire

At Boggabri Public School every child is valued. Students learn in a stimulating and challenging environment and are encouraged to reach their full potential. Highly dedicated and talented teachers inspire a love of learning and provide quality teaching and learning programs that cater for all students. 

Strong programs in literacy and numeracy provide enrichment and support for all students with alternative pathways in reading and maths groups to foster individual abilities and interests. Students love to participate in sporting teams competing against other primary schools in rugby league, netball, soccer and touch football. Being part of these sporting teams has continued to foster good sportsmanship and a deeper understanding of the value of working together to achieve success. 
The school is an attractive well-resourced school in beautiful grounds with state-of-the-art technology including electronic whiteboards in every classroom, laptops, a computer lab and video conferencing facilities. Enthusiastic parents and community members assist the school to provide new resources and extra-curricular activities. 

Our approachable and highly competent office and support staff work well beyond their roles to ensure the administration of the school runs smoothly and effectively. 

The values of tolerance, respect and fair play are embedded in all that we do. 

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An Initiative Of Regional Development Australia - Northern Inland Proudly Supported By New England Joint Organisation